Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fre@ky 3C0N0M1C5

Read your newspapers and you will see headlines, popping up with the big words like "The Big Plunge", "Inflation soars", "Recession", "Credit Crunch", "Bankrupt", "Unemployment Ups" and the headlines keep on repeating. Let me tell you, not only we are living in a world of freaky economics but also freaky Globalization, freaky government, and freaky media. I know you hate me for saying this and now we are freaking out.

What you gonna do when you know your bank is going to go bankrupt? You become a freak and start withdrawing your money. Later, we might just become "freakers", influencing others to withdraw their monies too. Few weeks ago, I was thinking of writing something about me, the economy and Starbucks (coffee shop). I was sure that they were connected in a way. I just couldn't link them up with some stupid connections (I LIKE COFFEE -> STARBUCKS -> ECONOMICS). It wouldn't make any sense to you or me at all. Why do we want to link them up between economics, Starbucks and me? Well! We just like to make things that make sense and assume it's the only way. But sometimes, we often misjudge the outcome of a certain problem due to our conventional thoughts. Sometimes, you have to be a little freaky to think something weird or unconventional or bizarre.

Starbucks, one of the biggest F&B chains, closed down several outlets in the States due to the big words like RECESSION, CREDIT CRISIS and LOW DEMAND. Now, you probably have an idea of a freaky economy. We can't really ignore the way we react when the economy is down. People will drive less and might even sell their cars because of high oil price. If you belong to a low-income-earner category, I am sorry that you will probably suffer a lot more than others. So why did I drink my coffee in Starbucks when the economy was in a real bad situation? I was there because I was still looking for jobs with the free Wifi connection (Economy Downfall -> Starbucks Close Down -> Employees Unemployed -> Less Consumption -> Weak Consumerism Economics -> Low Demand In Starbucks Coffee -> Ppl switch to drink (Kopi-O)) It's nothing weird to be a freak. That's how nature works. Suddenly, our characteristics might even change due to the social economic environment. Some people will be much more calculative. Some people will be spending wisely, and some people will be cooking at home or making their own coffee drinks. If you can't kick your old habits of doing expensive stuff, you will have to find other alternatives.

When I was a poor university student, I enjoyed drinking Grande Green tea Latte from Starbucks. I felt a little expensive for a simple drink. As a result, I learned to make my own Green tea Latte. Now, I also call myself an "alternative freak". Good thing, I can make my own Green tea Latte and also get to save my own money. Well! You can definitely try to do this at your own pace, especially during the recent economy downfall. (Caution: The outcome of replicating a drink from Starbucks might be slightly different or something worst)

All in all, if you are a rich freak, you will be okay with the freaky economy. If you are a freak drinker or can't kick the old habit, you can be an "alternative freak". If you are scared of the freaky economics concept very much, you will have to be a "freaker" and a freak. Well! Well! Suddenly, we might see more and more calculative freaks around us. LOL.

So What's Next? (Economics downturn -> New Ways to Cut Cost -> Tainted Milk -> Starbucks China -> 220 Outlets Stop Serving Milk-related products -> No Demand -> Bad Consumer Market -> Lost trust in Chinese Products -> Consumer Market Downfall - > Everyone Fre@ks Out)
(Chinese milk powder contaminated with melamine sickens 1,253 babies)

: people who freak others
Freaks: people who are afraid or scared of something
Kopi-O: Plain black coffee, usually serve in hawker center with a reasonable cheap price
Alternative Freaks: people who can't kick their old habits but somehow find a better and cheaper way to continue their old habits
Calculative Freaks: People who are very selfish and calculative over a small amount of something

(The Above Pic: Me freaking out in Jaya1, Starbucks, PJ, Malaysia)

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