Monday, October 27, 2008

Did technology ruin your fre@ky life?

Most of the time, we look at the benefits of having a technology gadget. However, have we looked at the bad side of it. Well! If you don't, maybe you should think about it just for the sake of fun. Mobile gadgets are the most popular demand of all in the market. Cellular phones, mp3 players, video players, laptops, digital cameras and portable game players (PSP, Nintendo DS) serve a purpose for different users. There are tons of them out there with different brand names, ranging from high-end products to low-end products, especially the one you can find in China. Oh Yeah! The battery might explode and you might get a burnt in your hip.

Suddenly, your purpose of having a gadget gets more complicated. If you want to take photo, talk on the phone, listen to mp3 music, watch movies, surf online, play games and use GPS, you're just going to need a powerful, fre@ky, weird, crazy, creature-like, out-of-nowhere and bizarre Atomicphone. For that reason, we hate the hassle of having lots of tangling gadgets, we just want something that everything fits all, like 10 in 1. Well, i guess for some insane users might like to have an Atomicphone. Suddenly, everyone, with an ipod on the move or the bus, is starting to isolate him/herself from the rest of the world. In some countries like Singapore or HK, people are living in a huge block of building that alienates people from interaction. In order to interact is to talk on the phone or online. Worst still, if you are working in an environment of tremendous pressure of office politics. Do you think you still want to talk to those people or start joining the club of dissing others? So what is left to communicate and meet your friends? Coming out to talk and chat is definitely impossible because everyone is busy earning money. Maybe money is the key to get more friends.

Yeah! Materialistic friends are kinda cool in a way. At least, they come and go when you are rich or broke. So what do we need to keep ourselves occupied? I guess technology does help in a way. At least, i could post a blog here for someone to read.
So why wasting time with the gadgets when one can go out and socialize? Like spending valuable times with friends. Life is about not just having fun with your gadgets. There are more things to do. So yeah! let's have fun!!!

What is your life anyway? Talking on the phone, texting your friends, chatting in msn, searching porns, blogging to nowhere, watching tv/youtube, listening to mp3 and playing online/games. Well! If those are the things you do most of time, like me, you are heading to a freaky technology of alienation. Isolating yourself to the max, you can only find your best friends in an aluminium metal case. Say hi! to Mr PSP, Mr Dota, Miss Msn, Mrs. Utube, Miss SMS, Mrs Xune, Mr Intel/Mac/Win/AMD. Oh Yeah! I totally forgot about him, Mr. Ericsson.

I love gadgets but I don't like them to take over my freaky life. Well! use your gadget cautiously. Don't talk and drive. Don't text and drive. Don't walk across the road while texting. Don't talk while meeting your friends. Don't play games when your families or friends are around. Don't eat, sleep, play. Don't surf porns, Don't try to show off your phones to others, Switch off your phone if possible.

Don't let the gadget ruin your freaky life. I am sure you will find yourself with more free time when your gadget is off. I am sure you will be amazed.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

i tell you nowadays technology can be a huge disappointment.
Pay so much for it.
Breaks down soon enough.